
The Fastest, Most Accurate Claims, Payments and Payer Follow-Up

Create the most accurate claims and get them paid 3× faster by leveraging the deep integration between our technology and your practice. With Enter, healthcare providers can operate their entire revenue cycle with just one practice administrator.


Create Perfect Claims in Seconds

Get claims out the door as quickly and accurately as possible. Enter gets 98.5% of claims from EHR to the bank without human intervention.


Enter creates claims from your EHR data. It applies the chargemaster & contract manager rules on a per payer, per contract basis, and sends it for adjudication without help from a human.

Patient Benefits

Run real time patient eligibility verifications through the Claim AI process. If the patient is covered by multiple plans, Enter manages the coordination of benefits.

Claim Timeline

Bring clarity to your claims. See every event, payment, phone call, and supporting document in one coherent timeline. Get useful information like payment progress, patient info, and payer details at a glance.

Enter Coder

Coding is handled by Enter Coder, our AI powered rules engine, working alongside professional human coders.


AI Powered Payment Posting

Payment AI posts payments, spots underpayments, and follows up on denials, on its own in real time.

Payment Posting

All ERAs and EOBs are automatically posted to every claim.

Underpayment Analysis

Reconcile, in real-time, every service line adjudication response from the Payer against the contract amount.

Adjudication Engine

Payment AI identifies denials and underpayments and determines the next step to take.


No More Waiting on Hold

For every underpayment and denial, Enter automatically follows up with the payer via mail, fax or payer portals.


Enter will automatically package and transmit comprehensive claim reconsiderations without any manual intervention.


Enter packages comprehensive Payer Appeals with cover letters, payer-specific appeal forms, CMS1500 or 1450, EOB, supporting documentation and more

Human Investigation

Using Enter’s business intelligence, our team identifies the most significant denial trends, allowing providers to address the root causes of denials. All phone calls with the payer are recorded, transcribed, and summarized with AI.


Improve Patient Collections by 10%

After the adjudication of all payers, Patient AI calculates how much the patient owes and maximizes collections through thoughtful patient billing touchpoints.

Patient Statements

White label statements and invoices are mailed to patients seconds after payer adjudication is posted. Communication SMS and Email billing reminders automatically sent post-adjudication

Easy Checkout Experience

Easily add Enter's white-label Patient Portal to your website with just a link. Patients are guided into a beautiful mobile billing system, complete with payment plans.


With Enter Terminal the patient’s payment method is on file and will be automatically charged or reimbursed after adjudication.


Ready to Get Started?

Talk to our sales team and see how much ENTER can impact your Revenue Cycle Management today!