Blog Post

Enter API Update: Webhooks and Integrations!

Illustration related to Enter announces Webhooks and integration management for the Enter API

As our partners continue to experience the benefits of working with Enter and using the Enter API, we have been fielding many requests from the community that boil down to:

"How can we get more of this meticulously organized and structured data into our homegrown applications and workflows?"

Although Enter already offers the best business intelligence reporting available in the healthcare revenue cycle management space today, these tools are tailored towards decision makers and executive power users.  Our software developer community has been seeking specific application-level data extraction methods so they too can be well-equipped to consume data into their workflows.

Introducing Webhooks

Custom EHR integration for seamless billing

Webhooks are real-time events that get broadcasted anytime something meaningful happens in an account.  For example, a provider may want to maintain a complete record of all payer payments that have ever been received. Instead of continually polling the Payment listing endpoint that we have always offered since day one, an application integration can now subscribe to payment webhook events which will enable them to always have the latest Payment information in real-time.  At the time of writing, we currently offer a whopping 89 different events that application developers can now listen for. These include everything from when a fax is received to when an electronic claim transmission is sent.  All of this is available under the Settings -> Development -> Webhooks section of dashboard.

Introducing Integration Management

Application developers are now able to fully self-manage the many different integration methods available to them today. These include:

API Keys: These give application developers the ability to access the same information the provider dashboard has.

HL7 Security Tokens: Primarily used with EMRs who have an HL7 and X12 interface established.

SFTP Credentials: When the REST endpoints are unable to be used by the integrator, our hosted SFTP server gives users the ability to send and receive documents using this legacy method.

SSO (Single Sign-On) Connections: For enterprise organizations that manage their own organization authentication (ie: Google Workspace).

Webhook Management: For the management of applications who consume events.

As always, this information and more is available at our developer documentation site at



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